Sporting Performances

In 2003, NAA expanded its recognition of flight speed accomplishments with the Sporting Performances program. The program allows more air speed marks to be recorded with requirements less stringent than those for national and world records.

Air speed records recognized by the NAA are handicapped by weight-based classes, the Sporting Performances program provides a further handicap by recognizing the fastest speeds by aircraft of the same make and model.

Here is a brief rundown of the details of Sporting Performances:

They may be attempted in piston-engine landplanes weighing 12,500 pounds or less with Standard airworthiness certificates, and by pilots with at least a Recreational Pilot certificate.

Performances can be set for “short course” speed (between points 50 to 500 nautical miles apart) or “long course” (more than 500 nm).

Performances can be attempted between any two airports in the United States that meet the distance requirements.

All performances will be calculated using elapsed time from takeoff to landing. No minimum speed is required for the first Sporting Performance for a particular model of airplane.

You can learn more about the program by downloading the Sporting Performances PDF.

View a current list of Sporting Performances here.