
March 19, 2020

President’s Message

First of all I hope all of you and your families are well. This is a tough time for all of us, but especially for those with loved ones who are sick. Let’s help watch out for each other. NAA is continuing to function. A new website is on the way, along with an improved database. Records are being processed, bills are being paid. We are continuing to work on new initiatives on sustainability and STEM that are really exciting and can continue apace in the age of social distancing. The sustainability work has truly engaged our Contest and Records...

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March 9, 2020

President’s Message

On March 9, I attended a truly wonderful event at the home of the British Ambassador. Most of the DC aviation community was there, and it was an event honoring Richard Branson.  It was good to see so many friends. With perhaps one or two exceptions I haven’t seen any of them since.  Indeed, the NAA team has not all been together in one place since even before that date; as we alternate work from home and coming to the office. That doesn’t mean we have stopped working.  Records are being certified with increasing frequency after a Covid-induced lull.  Members...

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June 1, 2018

A note regarding passing of Senator John McCain:

Many of us across the country are mourning the death of Senator John McCain. Senator McCain’s heroics in war and his courage and tenacity in public office are much remarked upon, and rightly so. History will remember him as it remembers the likes of Clay and Webster, Vandenburg and Taft, Jackson and Humphrey. Senator McCain was also an important and prominent figure in aviation. Not only as a naval aviator himself, but also as a leader on aviation issues in the Senate, including as Chairman of the Senate Aviation Subcommittee. I got to know him a little bit long ago...

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March 1, 2018

President’s Message

A bit over a year ago, Jean Tinsley passed away. Jean was one of our Distinguished Statesman, but she was so much more than that. Jean was a co-founder of the Helicopter Club of America, an Executive Director of the Whirly Girls, and an active member of the Ninety-Nines. She was one of six pilots to compete on the first US team at the World Helicopter Championships, and later was a Chief Judge at the event. Jean was the first woman in the world to obtain a gyroplane rating in a constant speed propeller driven gyroplane and the first woman...

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January 1, 2018

President’s Message

As I write this in the immediate aftermath of the holiday season, I find myself spending some time looking back. Not just on the many wonderful family moments we were fortunate enough to spend before, during and after Christmas, but also at how NAA ended 2017. The major event, of course, is the Wright Memorial Dinner, at which our Wright Brothers Trophy was presented to Gen. John R. Dailey, currently Director of the National Air & Space Museum. As I told the crowd at the dinner, the people who originally conceived the award really focused on recognition of “public service”...

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September 1, 2017

President’s Message

I hope all of you have had a good summer and are ready for any end of the year challenges. If you live in places impacted by storms or other natural disasters, all of us here at NAA hope you came through in good shape and are soon ready to resume life as normal. And if any of us here at NAA can help, please let us know. Though our last big event was the Collier Dinner, and our next will be our Fall Awards Dinner, followed by presentation of the Wright Memorial Trophy to Air & Space Museum Director...

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May 1, 2017

President’s Message

Spring time has always been my favorite time of the year. The days are getting longer and warmer. There are lots of trees and flowers blooming (I do hate the allergy part of that, but it is beautiful!). And baseball season has begun. In my first trip through the NAA cycle of events and activities, I am also finding out that springtime is the beginning of our busy season. We had a terrific luncheon in April, hearing from the authors of a great book, Lucky 666: The Impossible Mission (highly recommended), and we gave the Stinson Trophy to Air Force...

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January 1, 2017

President’s Message

‘m still new enough in this job (4 months) that people regularly ask me how I like it, and whether it is what I expected. To be honest, I actually enjoy the job even more than I hoped I would. When I tell them why, I usually get a reaction along the lines of “it sounds like you give a lot of people awards and recognize a lot of records, so you make people happy, and that’s why you must like it!” Well, yes, it is always nice to make people happy, especially when recognizing an amazing achievement or career....

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September 1, 2016

President’s Message

As I write this, I am in my third week as President & CEO of the National Aeronautic Association. In the weeks since it was announced I was joining NAA, I have spent a great deal of time answering one basic question: “What is NAA, and why do you want to go there?” (I guess that’s two basic questions). I tell them about our long history, going all the way back to the Wright Brothers, and that we were originally formed because many people were slow to recognize the importance and potential of aviation, and about all we have done...

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