IAC Celebrates with Walter Extra and Frank Christensen at Air Venture
The International Aerobatic Club is pleased to announce that Walter Extra, chief designer and founder of the Extra Aircraft Company in Germany and Frank Christensen, President of Christen Industries, will attend the annual IAC gathering of members during Air Venture, Oshkosh, WI on Friday, July 28, 2017.
Walter Extra is coming to Oshkosh as part of the gathering of Extra owners and pilots which is part of IAC’s activities this year at aviation’s largest event. Along with Siemens, Walter is planning to bring the Extra 330LE electric powered aircraft to Air Venture. It will be parked in front of the IAC Aerobatics Pavilion during its stay. Details are being worked on, including the possibility of a flying demo. This aircraft, being used by Siemens AG as an electric motor test platform, has established two world records and numerous firsts in its class.
The Extra 230 was first introduced to the international aerobatic community at the World Aerobatic Championships in Bekescaba, Hungary in 1984 and was flown at that competition by Walter Extra and Eric Muller of Switzerland. Subsequent models of the Extra series of aerobatic aircraft have been introduced in the years since the Extra 330SC has proven to be one of the most successful competition airplanes of all time and is now flown by pilots on the USA, French, and Russian teams.
Frank Christensen set the gold standard for kit-built aircraft with his series of kits and builder manuals. The Christen Eagle II was introduced to the aviation world at EAA Oshkosh 1977. At AirVenture 2017, we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of this stellar, award-winning aerobatic biplane. A brilliant designer who defines the words “quality” and “perfection”, Frank’s company Christen Industries, offered a host of products to the aerobatic world in its time. The Eagle rights are now owned by Aviat Aircraft of Afton, Wyoming, which still makes kits available.
The IAC Pavilion will feature an exhibition that will pay tribute to the Christen Eagle II’s 40th anniversary and the Extra Series of aerobatic aircraft over the last 30 years.
Six panels will tell the story of the Extra 230 and subsequent models of the Extra series, including the Extra 330SC. An additional six panels will feature the story of the Christen Eagle II and highlight its development.
IAC will be hosting a full range of forums during the week including a forum on Tuesday, July 25th at 8:30 a.m. by Mark Ciaglia and Lynn Ojala titled, “The Untold Adventures of Building and Flying the Christen Eagle II”. Walter Extra will be a guest speaker at the forums on Thursday, July 27th at 11:30 a.m.