Changes Made to NAA Membership & FAI Sporting License Application Process
In March 2018, NAA implemented the following changes to the Membership and FAI Sporting License application process:
1. All Membership and FAI Sporting Licenses applications must be submitted online. Hard copy applications will no longer be accepted. To apply for or renew a Membership and/or FAI Sporting License, please click here.
2. The processing time for all FAI Sporting License applications has been reduced to five (5) business days. Applications submitted less than five (5) business days prior to a record attempt or competition may not be processed in time.
3. NAA will no longer mail hard copy Membership Cards and/or FAI Sporting Licenses. Instead, upon approval of the application, an email will be sent containing the appropriate credentials attached. Members can then print copies of their credentials as they see fit.
NAA hopes that these changes will streamline and enhance the Membership and FAI Sporting License application process. We look forward to serving you!