Aero Club of Washington
he Aero Club of Washington hosted the 72nd Annual Wright Memorial Dinner was on Friday, December 13, 2019 and honored Major General Michael Collins with the National Aeronautic Association’s Wright Memorial Trophy “… for his lifelong dedication to aerospace and public service in the highest order, both as a pioneering astronaut and inspired director of the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum.”
“There is something special about ‘firsts.’ But firsts aren’t ‘onlies,'” said Major General Michael Collins. “Wilbur and Orville had each other. Neil, Buzz and I had each other and the hard work of hundreds of thousands backing us on Apollo 11. The National Air and Space Museum stands on the Mall as a testament to thousands who helped craft it into the wonder it is today. As symbolic as firsts are, their true value is that they pave the way for others to dare, to go, to explore. I am deeply honored to receive this award, and I will always look upon it as a collaborative achievement.”
To view photos of the 2019 Wright Memorial Dinner, click here.